Charm of trip is a platform where two sisters, who are unlike each other, share experiences that make the journey of life enjoyable. Not only the places we go or the tastes we taste, but also our discoveries that make life easier, our secrets that improve the quality of life are also part of this adventure. Although we both have master degree and business career, we are completely different and we believe this will bring a variety of interesting articles :). One of us is lion, very realistic, workaholic, management engineer, addict on healthy foods, while the other, Pisces, completely dreamer, urban planner, like harmful foods and fan of a football team. As you understand from this brief summary, we are quite the opposite characters, but the sense of discovery and sharing must be genetic…


We have noticed that we have forgotten our travels and precious discoveries which are turned our habits. However, every detail that makes life easier and enjoyable is very precious and worth sharing. Our breaking points; The chronic illness that one of us defeated, the other’s struggle with her area of ​​specialization, again reminded us the importance of time and we decided to create this platform. If you do not want to waste your time trying to repeat the verified experiences, keep following us!